Blog 3 - What to Look for in a Classroom

 Larissa Guido Swenson

FNED 546 - Summer 2023

Dr. Lesley Bogad

Blog 3:  What to Look for in a Classroom

Option: Argument

Alfie Kohn argues that students should be able to have a visual representation in the classroom and

school ecology of how a safe and inclusive learning environment looks, along with unwritten signs such

as respecting and encouraging the individuality of each student for a safe classroom environment.

Understanding that the educational community is fundamental in the construction and continuity of an

inclusive education, realizing a significant and welcoming presence, with availability, transparency,

trust, justice, and living relationships that testify to care and respect. 

Point to share in class: Kohn’s main point is to create a classroom environment of excellence side by side with solidary values, contemplating emotional, intellectual and social aspects. 


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