
Showing posts from May, 2023

Blog 5 - Finn, Literacy with an Attitude

Finn aims on how teachers teach and how education can be tailored according to children's social class, framing his argument for teaching powerful literacy to poor, working-class children as a matter of justice. Meanwhile powerful literacy is the education our children deserve and prepares young people to consider multiple perspectives and their own interests as they make life decisions.  Finn exposed that poor, working-class students received functional literacy that taught compliance, while students from privileged backgrounds were taught powerful literacy that promoted independence and leadership. The aims and means of education were distinct, separate and unequal, dispensed according to one’s social class. When Finn reflects on teaching methods of control it reminds me of my full education in Brazil that was explicitly authoritarian teaching style with teachers having very strong control and less student involvement. Point to share in class: Teaching methods of control, I still...

Blog 3 - What to Look for in a Classroom

  Larissa Guido Swenson FNED 546 - Summer 2023 Dr. Lesley Bogad Blog 3:  What to Look for in a Classroom Option: Argument Alfie Kohn argues that students should be able to have a visual representation in the classroom and school ecology of how a safe and inclusive learning environment looks, along with unwritten signs such as respecting and encouraging the individuality of each student for a safe classroom environment. Understanding that the educational community is fundamental in the construction and continuity of an inclusive education, realizing a significant and welcoming presence, with availability, transparency, trust, justice, and living relationships that testify to care and respect.  Point to share in class: Kohn’s main point is to create a classroom environment of excellence side by side with solidary values, contemplating emotional, intellectual and social aspects.  

Blog 2: Delpit, “The Silenced Dialogue”

  Larissa Guido Swenson FNED 546 - Summer 2023 Dr. Lesley Bogad Blog 2:  Delpit, “The Silenced Dialogue ” and overview handout Option: Reflection - Personal connections to this text Growing up as members of a family and community, children explicitly and implicitly learn the rules and expectations of their cultures. They can be members from more than one cultural group and can be fitted into their cultures at different levels. Cultures borrow and share rules and cultures change over time.  Following up Johnson’s reading along with Delpit reading, Johnson talked about “the luxury of obliviousness” when he said that white people are rarely aware of the privileges they have.  Delpit says, “Those with power are frequently least aware – or least willing to acknowledge - its existence.  Those with less power are often most aware of its existence.” It means to me that one doesn't even know they "have" a culture until they find other ways of thinking and acting.  T...

Blog 1 - Teaching for Social Justice; Alan Johnson

Larissa Guido Swenson FNED 546 - Summer 2023 Dr. Lesley Bugad Blog 1: Teaching for Social Justice ; Alan Johnson Option: 3 Quotes                                                                                Alan Johnson 1946 - 2017 1- “Brazilian educator Paulo Freire writes that teachers should attempt to live part of their dreams within their educational space”. (Introduction: Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice, page x).  From my perspective, teachers have different opinions when it comes to what is their ideology of a dream learning environment according to their own classroom reality. Perhaps, Paulo Freire proposes education with follow-up, therefore evidencing a cultural pedagogical relationship that prioritizes the students’...